
Wednesday, December 2, 2009

How to Read Piano Notes

Want To Know How To

Read Piano Notes?

It’s not as hard as it looks. Learning how to read
piano notes is about learning a pattern - as many
things are in music. First, if you’re not sure about which notes are
which on the piano keyboard, read piano
key notes.

Notes are named after letters. There’s a
“musical alphabet” that’s quite a bit shorter than the English one. It
starts at A and ends at G. Then it repeats. For example: A, B, C, D, E,
F, G, A, B, etc.

To play the piano, you need to learn about 2clefs.”
They are signs which basically tell you whether to play high notes or
low notes. They are the Treble Clef and Bass Clef.

Usually, you play the notes in the treble clef with
your right hand. These are the higher notes. Play
the notes in the bass clef with your left
. These are the lower notes.

Now, I’m going to give you all
of the notes on all the lines and spaces. After you go through them,
I’ll recommend some exercises to help you practice them. It’s easier to
learn them in little groups in order to remember them and play them

Music is written on lines and spaces -
this is called the staff. When going up through the
musical alphabet (like A, B, C, D), you alternate

line - space - line - space. For example: A = line, B = space, C =
line, D = space. This is for the notes that are right next to each
other on the piano keyboard.

To learn where the notes are on the
staff just by looking, you can learn some sayings.
This is the easiest way to begin to read piano notes. Let’s start with
the treble clef.

Spaces - Treble Clef

The letters for the spaces on
the treble clef form a word: FACE. F is the lowest
space on the treble clef, and E is the highest.

Lines - Treble Clef

The letters on the lines from
lowest to highest are E G B D F. The saying that I use to remember this
order is: “Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge.” Feel free
to make up one that you like.

Notice that the lowest line - E - is followed by the lowest space -F.

Spaces - Bass Clef

Now for the bass clef. The
sayings I use to remember the lines and spaces for the bass clef have
to do with animals. For the spaces I use the saying, “All Cows
Eat Grass

Lines - Bass Clef

For the lines in the bass
clef, I use the saying, “Great Big Ducks Fly Away.”

These are the essentials for how to read
piano notes. Are you ready to go on?

If you want some more details on the types
of notes
you’ll see on the lines (8th notes, half notes,
etc.), sharps and flats and how to read notes that aren’t on the lines
or spaces, go to piano
music notes.

There are also some piano
notes charts

you can look at for a quick reference.On the piano
notes diagram

page, you’ll find the notes on the staff in relation to the
notes on the keyboard.


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